Sleep and Shutdown

I put my Mac to sleep at night, to make the room dar and let the display rest. In the morning, I open the lid and the computer wakes and wants a fingerpint or password, and windows are where I left them.

You can put a laptop to sleep by closing its lid, and wake it by opening it up. It is possible to put your computer to sleep, disconnect the wires from it, take it somewhere else, connect it up again, and wake it up, and usually everything should work.

Now that computers have SSDs instead of hard drived, there is less risk that your computer will wake while it is being transported, running the battery down, and making the computer hot.

Power brick, USB, HDMI and Ethernet are OK to connect and disconnect while the machine is running.

I restart my computer once a week or so, in case temp files have built up or memory has gotten fragmented.

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